Cost Comparison of L&Q Products vs. Standard Road Treatments
Client Resources
The L&Q Project Estimator generates cost estimates for clients and contractors. This tool gives a detailed view of product costs, transport weights, and graphic charts comparing ROAD-HARD's v. other paving materials like asphalt and chip & seal road treatments.
Google Earth facilitates aerial views and area estimates.
L&Q Project Estimator provides detailed cost analysis.
L&Q provides area measurements and cost estimates using Google Earth images, often saving time and the expense of a site visit.
L&Q's Product and Demonstration Center in Clarkedale, AR is conveniently located just 30 minutes from the Memphis International Airport.
Demonstration plots for ROAD-HARD applications can be inspected, and 44 acres of land have been set aside for training in the application of the products. Soil types range from heavy sand to highly expansive clay.
Demonstration plots for ROAD-HARD applications can be inspected, and 44 acres of land have been set aside for training in the application of the products. Soil types range from heavy sand to highly expansive clay.